The Game Based Learning Conference is one of the largest events of its kind dealing with all aspects of games in learning. The huge surge of interest amongst education professionals, game companies, learners, employers, parents, public sector agencies and technology providers over the last 5 years has been demonstrated by the overwhelming success of the gaming strands in the Handheld Learning Conference. Game Based Learning built on this success and provided more depth by creating stimulating, challenging and provocative dialogue spaces at the intersection between the education, gaming, social media and consumer electronics sectors. There, policy makers, thought leaders, innovators and key practitioners met and exchanged ideas, knowledge and experiences as part of a unique ongoing conversation. Speakers included:
The focus of this vital exploration was the impact that commercial off the shelf video games, “serious” games, virtual worlds and social networks are having on new learning and teaching practice in and out of formal education environments. Game Based Learning 2009 achieved:
More than anything else, the Game Based Learning 2009 Conference was be an important, highly stimulating and engaging conversation between traditionally disparate sectors that must now recognize their intrinsic value to one another.
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