Game Based Learning, 19-20 March, The Brewery, Barbican, London
Video Games, Social Media and Learning.

Fun, Stimulating & Provocative

And that's just the first afternoon...

Dear Colleague

This years Game Based Learning Conference has captured the imagination.

Demand for delegate places has been greater than expected leaving less than 100 places available from our initial allocation.

Perhaps this is because the event is unique. It brings together thought leaders, innovators and practitioners from the worlds of education, software and consumer electronics into a continuous dialogue about the impact of video games and social media on the quality of learning and teaching practice across school, higher education, public and business sectors.

With leading industry figures such as British Academy Fellowship Award winning, Nolan Bushnell, Ian Livingstone and Patrice Chazerand going head to head with leading educational innovators including Derek Robertson, Alice Taylor and Graeme Duncan, the stage is set for an inspiring and thought provoking 2 days opened by UK Cabinet Office Minister, Tom Watson.

For confirmed speakers click here

To review the programme click here

To register, receive a free game and save £50 click here

Read acclaimed educational technology writer Merlin John

It's your conference, get involved!

The programme has been developed to offer something for every delegate as well as providing essential opportunities for discussion, networking and socialising.

Do you want to present something?

Then the unconference / Pecha Kucha session hosted by Dave Green of the London Games Fringe is for you. Everybody is welcome to present their ideas, work or experiences.

Got skills? Looking for skills?

Try the informal "business speed dating" that takes place during the breaks and networking sessions. Should you wish to erect a pop-up display, distribute flyers or connect with delegates in other ways this can be arranged by contacting our sales manager, Isabel Fernandes.

Interested in real world, best practice?

Look no further than the Game Based Learning in Practice session hosted by Derek Robertson, National Adviser for Emerging Technologies and Learning, LTS who will introduce leading initiatives by practitioners including Kim Applin, Steve Bunce and Dawn Hallybone.

How does industry respond to this emerging phenomenon?

If this is the question on your mind then the Industry Forum is the place to be. With participants including ISFE Secretary General, Patrice Chazerand, ELSPA Managing Director, Michael Rawlinson, ISFE Games and Education Liaison, Catherine Geeroms, Slitherine Director, Marco Minoli, Codemasters Chairman, Chris Deering and representatives from Becta, this session promises to be electric.

All this followed by an evening social reception with the keynote conference sessions the next day!

Do not miss this opportunity to be a part of this years Game Based Learning Conference. Register today.

See you there!

The Game Based Learning 2009 Team (meet us)
The Advisory Group (meet us)

Passes are available for members of the press & media

Linked GBL Group join our group on Linkedin

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Game Based Learning Conference 2009

Game Based Learning Community


Kabelo Thomo